Significant progress has been made in the research of magnetic confinement thermonuclear fusion at Peking University
As the most promising new energy technology, the magnetic confinement fusion device Tokamak needs to obtain sufficient energy gain in the high confinement mode. However, a serious problem brought about by the high-constraint mode is the periodic outbreak of marginal local mode instability. This plasma spray phenomenon will severely erode the first wall material of tokamak, which is not conducive to the steady-state operation of the fusion reactor in the future. This is a difficult problem that the international ITER project urgently needs to solve. Therefore, it is a hot issue in the research of international magnetic confinement fusion to study and understand the occurrence principle of marginal local mode and give its burst criterion. Recently, Pengwei Xi (first author), a PhD student in the Institute of Plasma Physics and Fusion at the School of Physics, Peking University, collaborated with Xu Xueqiao, an American scientist and visiting professor at Peking University, and PH Diamond, to study the explosion process of the edge local mode through numerical simulation. They found that before the linear instability grows enough to trigger the strength of the edge local mode, wave-wave interaction based on phase disturbances has already occurred and will limit the growth time of linear instability. This shows that the burst process of the edge local mode is completely nonlinear, rather than the linear process previously thought. This result further proves that the originally widely used linear instability criterion is a limit case of the nonlinear criterion, and gives the nonlinear criterion of the edge local mode burst. This work proves that there is a close relationship between the edge plasma turbulence and the explosion of the edge local mode, and shows that by adjusting the plasma turbulence, the effect of the edge local mode can be controlled, so the result is the experimental edge local Modal control methods provide new potential theoretical explanations. Xi Pengwei once introduced the result in a specially invited report at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Physics Society Plasma Physics Branch, which attracted great attention from international colleagues. (a) (b) (c) When the nonlinear effect is not considered, the explosion process of the edge local mode; (d) (e) (f) When the nonlinear interaction is considered, the edge local mode does not occur. The result was published in the recently published "Physical Review Letters", and received the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Energy Development Research Project, Peking University, the US Department of Energy and the South Korean "World Class Institute" (WCI) Fund support.
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