Outdoor Information Network Global Mountain Peaks Information Tibet Menlongze Peak

Altitude: 7,181 meters (23,560 feet)
Location: China, Tibet Mountains: Relative altitude in the Himalayas: 1,570 meters (5,151 feet)
Coordinates: 27°58′16′′ north longitude 86°26′15′′ longitude (WIKI version) 27°58' 12” north latitude 86°25'48” longitude (BAC version)

First Ascent: Slovenian Marko Prezelj, Andrej Stremfelj, October 23, 1992

Route features: Ice and snow mix

Outdoor Information Network Global Mountain Peak Information Tibet Menlongze Peak
Menlong peak 1:150000 contour map (click to enlarge)

Climbing history: This area has long been banned from entering and was only recently opened. In 1987, an expedition led by Chris Bonington entered the area for the first time. In 1988, Bonington led another British expedition to help Andy Fanshawe and Alan Hinkes. The summit peaked on the west side, but it did not reach the main peak. In 1990, another team climbed from the eastern ridge and still did not reach the summit.

The first summit was made on October 23, 1992 by Slovenian Marko Prezelj. Andrej Stremfelj climbed 2,000 meters along the southeastern wall in less than two and a half days in the Alps.

Afterwards, the team climbed along the northern wall in 1999 but all failed.

Outdoor Information Network Global Mountain Peak Information Tibet Menlongze Peak
The climb of the Canadian climber ANDREW BRASH in 1999 on the northern wall of Menlongze Peak

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