June 2006 Import Statistics of Ink Products
Unit: 10,000 US dollars (amount) product name Number of Units) Number of months The amount of the month The cumulative amount of the month Month accumulated amount Same period last year Same time last year Volume increase year-on-year The amount of year-on-year increase of % Cats have very sharp claws. Claws grow fast and start bending easily, claw barbed will affect the cat walk and stabbed legs. In order to maintain sharp claws and prevent excessive bending, cats form habit of grinding claws. Grinding claws is an instinct, which is necessary for their own physiological adjustment. In order to protect their sharp weapon, cats usually grinding claws through furniture, curtains or sofa, which no doubt will bring the troubles to the master. At this time cat scratch board can be used to solve your troubles.A win situation for all. Happier cat and owner guaranteed. No assembly required. All materials tested using international safety standards. Hexagon Model Cattery Scratching Board Hexagon Model Cattery Scratching Board,Hexagonal Bowl Cat Scratcher,Hexa-Scratch Cat Scratcher Jining Jiaxing Packaging Co., Ltd. , http://www.petcarton.com
Reprinted from: National Research Network